David Roush 1689

A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY -- (the problem of modern evangelicalism)

DAVID ROUSH -- CHANNEL TRAILER (what are we doing here?)

WHY I LOVE CONFESSIONS OF FAITH (especially the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith) - 5 reasons

What's the Best Published Edition of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith in 2021? (1689)

Why Did The Baptists Copy The Presbyterian Confession? - why the 1689 and Westminster are so similar

39 BOOKS REVIEWED IN 55 MINUTES (Reformed Baptist reviews a year of reads)

5 Reasons you Should NOT do Family Worship (actually 7) and 1 Reason you Should

WHEN SHOULD I START FAMILY WORSHIP? (what is the best time?)

What Makes the 1689 Confession Unique? - Second London Baptist Confession of Faith in comparison

The Lord's Prayer - What Did I Learn From Its Opening With 'Our Father which art in heaven'?

WHAT DID I LEARN FROM C.H. SPURGEON? (high doctrine and the free offer of the gospel)

WHEN SHOULD I START CATECHIZING MY CHILDREN? (at what age should catechism begin?

What did I learn from Tony Reinke? - (How/Why Should Christians Read Fiction?)

Best Books and Stories for Small to Middle-Grade Children (How to train children in godly character)

How Do I Teach My Kids the Old Testament? - tips for explaining tough scripture narrative to littles

3 Tips for Family Worship with Small Children (+1 more for children under 9)


How to Buy Books as a Christian in 2021 (where to buy new, used and vintage books)

5 REASONS A CONFESSION OF FAITH IS NOT FOR YOU (and maybe why it actually is)

Can Pouring Be A Mode Of Christian Baptism? A Baptist Perspective

What are the Best Biographies for Reformed Christian Men - Books for Every Christian Man's Library

TOP 5 - FAVORITE BOOKS OF THE YEAR (reformed Baptist book reviews)

WHAT IS A CONFESSION OF FAITH? (and what is its place?)

THE 7 BOOKS I FORGOT FROM THE PAST YEAR! (rapid reformed Baptist book reviews)